29 Jun 2009

Mavi/Rick Owens/Paris

I saw this photo of my not only very fashionable but also super lovely friend Mavi on yourprivateshopper.blogspot.com. I had to post it. She looks amazing! Oh and it was taken before (or after?) the Rick Owens show in Paris. Very appropriately dressed I'd say.

Before the hail storm

Lanvin S/S 2010

23 Jun 2009

The Gossip Album Launch at Dalston Superstore

The Gossip launched their new record Music For Men last night at the Dalston Superstore alongside with a bunch of cool and fun people like Louise Gray, Richard Mortimer, Gareth Pugh, Vaginal Davis, Princess Julia and so on and so forth.
Nonetheless the star of the night was the band with its super hot lead singer Beth Ditto. Looking fierce in a short, tight black dress (and appearing more 'petite' than expected) this 5 ft 2 woman was of course the centre of attention and proving that she is indeed (as NME already proclaimed in their 2006 Cool List) one of the coolest people on this planet. At least she was yesterday the coolest one in East London.

22 Jun 2009

Me in Madonna

T Shirt: present from Cozette
Customised: by me
Pictures taken: by Sarah


Oh who would have thought I can finally go on holiday? Even if it was only for one night. Jodie Harsh and Jonny Woo invited to an extravagant, slightly trashy/tranny and super fun pool party on the roof terrace of the Shoreditch House. The debauchery kicked off with drinks around the pool and pop tunes provided by Harsh herself (and another classic Woo performance) until it was time to jump into the pool, enjoying the late night splashing about, dancing and gamboling around in the water and, as you can see below, getting your picture taken.

After having a threesome in the changing room it really felt like being on holiday ;)

All the images from weknowwhatyoudidlastnight.com

17 Jun 2009

An irrgeular Tuesday night

Irregular Choice shoes invited to a very colourful happening at their new store on Carnaby Street. For my taste a way too sweet Lambrini was served with a vast and various selection of eye popping candy including jelly beans, cup cakes and fizzy wine gums. This choice of little treats for the party goers definitely coincided with their shoe collection: sweet, eye-catching and maybe a little too much. I definitely had a sugar overdose after 2 hours.

Then it was about time to go back east to the official launch party of the Bathhouse. I already wrote something about it a week ago (Caligula, Warboy's new night). I thought it would be way more sceney, however, I have to say there were hardly any familiar faces. Still, good fun, great DJs (Paloma Faith for example) and perfomances by Theo Adams, Lena Mascara etc. It cleared early-ish, around 12, so for us it was time, after a feasting stop at Mc Donald's, to end the night at the glorius Joiner's!

Here some pics from the Bathhouse Launch.

13 Jun 2009

Behave Shop Opening in Camden

Went to the Behave shop opening today in Camden (third one in London after Soho and
Shoreditch). I had nice after work drinks there which I really needed as my day has been very busy. Waking up at 11 o'clock in the morning, TV still on, me in my clothes. Must have fallen asleep while watching Friends in the early morning hours after coming home from my friends James' and Lucy's new night at the Dalston Superstore called "Best Before". I lost in a gogo dance competition. Nonetheless the party was great. So what else did I do today, oh yeah, walking Frankie the dog to London Fields and making Tortellini. Anyway, back to the store opening: nice clothes, nice people, nice drinks.